This section will show you total number of missions and the current days left in your free trial.
This section provides a geographic overview of missions, allowing you to visualize all your missions in one place. Initially, you might only have demo missions.
Each mission on the map is represented by a bubble. Clicking on it will take you to the Mission Details page (we'll delve into more detail about this section later).
At any point while using the website, you can utilize the support chat to ask us questions or engage in general conversation. We typically respond within a few minutes.
This page provides a more detailed view of your missions. Here, you can search, sort, or filter through your existing missions, or start new ones.
Search through your missions using plain text.
Sort missions according to their creation date.
Filter missions by their current status.
Switch between table and grid view for mission listing.
This listing corresponds to a particular mission. Clicking on the action button will navigate you to the mission details page. Initially, you may see a different tab in the mission details page depending on the current status of the mission.
Start a new mission by clicking this button. It will open a modal form which is explained in the next step.
Select the mission type.
Fly a drone feature is currently not supported since its under construction. So you should select the Upload images / model option.
Name of the mission. This can be anything of your choice.
Short description for the mission. This can be anything of your choice.
The general location of your mission. This is where it will be shown on the home page.
You can enable email notifications to receive an email once your mission has finished processing.
After filling up this you should be taken to Mission Details page, on the Upload tab.
Drag and drop your drone footage here, or click to select the files.
We have upload size limits in place to ease the load on our infrastructure. If you have a mission that exceeds our upload limits, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you.
Remove all selected files.
If you have a 3D model that is already processed then you should check this toggle and select the 3D model files in the upload section.
We currently support .glb and .gltf (compressed in .zip) files for direct model upload. If you have your models in any other format, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you.
Clicking this button will start uploading the files you selected. Once the upload is finished your model will be queued for processing.
Do not close the tab until all the files have finished uploading and you see a confirmation as follows.
You may freely browse the site in a new tab.
Once the mission has finished processing, you can navigate to the Explore tab to begin interacting with it. There's a wide range of functionality packed into this view, so we'll take a closer look at each of them one by one.
With this tab you can control what level of access the mission has in the embed mode, and copy the embed link.
Embedding a mission allows sharing the mission with people external to your organization.
Access levels:
None - Embed mode is disabled
Viewable - anyone with the link can view the mission.
Editable - anyone with the link can view and edit the mission.
The layout of this page is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing you to resize, move, group, or focus on individual tabs to create a layout that best suits your needs.
Move the bars between the tabs to resize the layouts.
You can grab a tab by clicking and holding on its title, then move it around to where you need it.
You can focus on a tab by clicking on the icon on the top right of each tab pane.
Here's an example of a customized layout that focuses on inspection features.
The 3D Inspector displays the asset model in a 3D view with geospatial context. On top of that you can create various 3D annotations on top of the asset model.
Point - Marks a single point of interest
Area - Measures an area captured by a polygon
Distance - Measures a distance captured by a line
Volume - Measure a volume captured by a polygon
Ctrl / Cmd + Z
to undo that last picked point. This tab allows you to manage your 3D annotations. Any new 3D annotations you create will appear here and on the map.
Clicking the target icon (first icon from left) in the 3D annotation card will fly your camera in the 3D Inspector to that particular annotation.
Clicking the pencil icon (second icon from left) in the 3D annotation card will allow you to edit the annotation.
Clicking the eye icon (third icon from left) in the 3D annotation card will toggle the visibility of the annotation.
You can select multiple 3D annotations by using the checkbox on the left and delete them at once.
The 2D Inspector enables you to explore the raw images used to process the 3D model. Additionally, you can create 2D annotations on these raw images.
Click + Drag
to Pan aroundMouse wheel
to Zoom in/outShift + Click
on the image to start drawing the annotationsome textThis tab allows you to manage your 2D annotations. Any new 2D annotations you create will appear here and on their respective images.
This tab displays a gallery view of the images used to process the 3D model.
Images and 2D Inspector are synced, meaning selecting an image in the Images will update the image in 2D Inspector and vice versa.
Assets allow you to link external resources to a mission using their URLs. They provide a way to directly associate resources that are not managed by Anvil Labs but are relevant to your mission. For instance, Matterport links and documents from Google Docs or Google Sheets are common examples of such resources.
In the following examples, we'll demonstrate how you can manage your assets. We'll use a simple Google Doc as an illustration.
Minimum: 1920 ✕ 1080 Pixels (Full HD)
Recommended: 3840 ✕ 2160 Pixels (4k) or More
Higher resolution captures more information per image which allows our processing pipeline to produce more accurate 3D models.
Image Overlap
Minimum: 80%
Recommended: 85% or More
Image overlap describes how much the imagery changes between two consecutive images. With a high % of overlap smaller details are easier to pick up. With a low % of overlap smaller details become hard to pick up and sometimes may even be missed.
Image Sidelap
Minimum: 70%
Recommended: 75% or More
Image sidelap is exactly the same as image overlap with the key difference being that its considered perpendicular to the drone.
Motion Blur
Avoid images with motion blur. Motion blur defeats the purpose of image overlap since it makes it hard to discern between two consecutive image. As such, we highly recommend focused and still images.
Images extracted from video may have a high amount of motion blur that may result in poor quality 3D model.