Millimeter-precision digital asset management platform

Precise enough to eliminate the need for 70% of site visits, with autonomous data collection for recurring, up-to-date information.

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Integrate autonomous data capture into your workflows

Our streamlined workflow simplifies the process of conducting drone inspections providing actionable insights in just a few simple steps.


Capture Data

Plan your mission, fly, capture footage of your site and generate a 3D model.


Upload Data

Once the drone has completed its mission, upload the data to our platform Anvil Labs Cloud.


Collaborate. Measure & Tag

Efficiently annotate and manage jobsites with point, area, distance, and volume.


Create a PDF Report

Auto-generate actionable drone data in a comprehensive PDF report.


Share Results

Effortlessly share reports via email or text for faster integration with team.


Connect your systems via API or plugin

Customize with open API access for automated tasks, workflows, and integration.

Capture Data

Plan your mission, fly, capture footage of your site and generate a 3D model.

Upload Data

Once the drone has completed its mission, upload the data to our platform Anvil Labs Cloud.

Collaborate. Measure & Tag

Efficiently annotate and manage jobsites with point, area, distance, and volume.

pdf file
Create a PDF Report

Auto-generate actionable drone data in a comprehensive PDF report.

Share Results

Effortlessly share reports via email or text for faster integration with team.

Connect your systems via API or plugin

Customize with open API access for automated tasks, workflows, and integration.

Once the drone has completed its mission, upload the data to our platform Anvil Labs Cloud.

Digital Twins and contextual data visualization

60+ MP 2D* and mm-precision 3D data visualization and analysis.

* When captured by Anvil Labs

Easily understand your site with a highly accurate virtual 3D model. With millimeter precision, you can accurately measure diameters of bolts and cables, and thickness of steel plates.
You always have the option to view the raw images and videos used to capture data, which can provide 3x resolution to 3D modeling capabilities (roughly 300 micrometers per pixel).
With ground compound captures, you can virtually walk through the ground compound as well, making it easy to understand layouts of coax cables and understand the industrial control systems.

Multi-Format Data Capture

Point cloud generation with multiple data inputs

* When captured by Anvil Labs

We accept data from drones, climber measurements, cameras (including CCTV), sonar, LiDAR, and custom sensors to generate point clouds for digital representation of the physical
Measurements, component classifications, and diagrams can be automated with high quality data as input, and with repeatable data capture, changes can be identified and alerted on much faster than normal.

Digital Twin Annotation and Data Markup

Measure and annotate digital twins with mm-accurate precision.

* When captured by Anvil Labs

We accept data from drones, climber measurements, cameras (including CCTV), sonar, LiDAR, and custom sensors to generate point clouds for digital representation of the physical
We accept data from drones, climber measurements, cameras (including CCTV), sonar, LiDAR, and custom sensors to generate point clouds for digital representation of the physical

Trend analysis

Compare inspection data to previous inspections to analyze changes and identify developing problems.

* When captured by Anvil Labs

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Custom processes enable consistent image capture across multiple inspections of the same asset
Digital twins can show differences from a current model vs a previous one
Highlights potential problem areas
Tool for preventative maintenance

BIM Integration

Compare inspection data to previous inspections to analyze changes and identify developing problems.

Part Recognition

AI part inventoritization for supply chain management.

* When captured by Anvil Labs

AI part recognition
Parts associated with inventory lists
Parts identified as needing replaced can be automatically re-ordered in specific quantity needed

Custom Reports

Comprehensive, customizable reporting in our format or yours

View example
Annotations, notes, measurements, highlights, defects, and areas of interest made in Anvil Labs are exported into a report as a PDF, CSV, or DOCX in either Anvil’s format or your custom format
Reporting is up-to-date with the most recent TIA standards

Start your free trial

Inspect, monitor, plan, and manage industrial sites efficiently with spatial analysis, automated reporting, and our scanning and analysis services.
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14 days free trial - No payment required.